Fox News - G20 refuses to address censorships on social media platforms!!! SGMUN BoardNovember 21, 2021Comment
The New York Times - Voices Being Heard In The African Union: You Never Forget An Elephant SGMUN BoardNovember 20, 2021Comment
The New York Times - European Parliament and Migration: Two sides with a very blurry middle SGMUN BoardNovember 20, 2021Comment
BuzzFeed - 10 memes that summarize the actions (or lack thereof) taken by the delegates of the UNSC to honour the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack SGMUN BoardNovember 20, 2021Comment
China Daily - China calls for the elimination of all root causes of radical islamist ideology, whether in Afghanistan, USA or China SGMUN BoardNovember 20, 2021Comment
Al Jazeera - 9/11: HOW WILL THE SECURITY COUNCIL TACKLE THE AFTERMATH? SGMUN BoardNovember 20, 2021Comment
Sputnik News - Where is the United States of America? The rise of the East SGMUN BoardNovember 20, 2021Comment
Al jazeera - The UNFCCC Begins its First Day of Committee Sessions in St. Gallen SGMUN BoardNovember 20, 2021Comment
China Daily - Taliban Representative in the Security Council – An Anecdotal Summary SGMUN BoardNovember 20, 2021Comment
China Daily - China offers unprecedented initiative to manufacture and distribute COVID-19 vaccinations to developing countries SGMUN BoardNovember 20, 2021Comment