BuzzFeed - MUN Daily Horoscope for Saturday the 20th

Aries: Be mindful of your actions as they border on recklessness. Abrupt decisions could lead to disaster. Relax and take some time to observe others while you contemplate your actions.

Taurus: Others around you may be picking up subtleties that you are missing out on. Try pairing up with others and sharing your insights. Working together will only benefit you and your fellow delegates.

Gemini: You have big ideas but no realistic way to achieve them. It’s time to get back down to Earth. Take some time to reflect and realize what is realistic and what is not. You must begin to understand the kind of environment you’re working in before you can start changing the world. 

Cancer: You are working at a great pace so remember that slow and steady wins the race. If you hit a block in your productivity remember that it’s okay to rely on your fellow delegates/chairs for help in getting back on track.

Leo: Your chairs will be closely watching your work today. Remember to be mindful of the quality of work you are doing. Remember, quality over quantity. 

Virgo: An error you made in the past will come up today. You might find that other delegates or  chairs are against you. Remember to take responsibility for your mistakes.

Libra: Never forget the importance of planning ahead. When preparing to give a speech, carefully think about how your words will affect others.

Scorpio: You may think that you are one step ahead of everyone else, but you are at risk of leaving your partners behind. Remember to work with them and not against them. Take time to listen to your fellow delegates and find it in your heart to be kind and supportive. 

Sagittarius: Don’t forget that other countries will have different opinions than you. Don’t try to push them into believing what you believe as this may be met with resistance. Take time to empathize with other opinions. Have compassion.

Capricorn: You have a certain peace of mind that will allow you to concentrate on your work. Now is the time to seize the day! Talk first in your debates and boldly write your ideas down. It’s time to make your dreams a reality.

Aquarius: You wish that you still had the energy and confidence of yesterday. Today, you may be feeling a little low. Just remember that you're not alone. Reach out for help if you need it.

Pisces: Today is your day Pisces! Don’t forget that you are the leader of your country. As such don’t be afraid to act like a mighty king or queen sitting on their throne. When you have confidence, your dreams will come true.

Created by Maya McCarthy

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