The Criminal Shortage of Croissants at SGMUN - Poulomi Bapat
This morning started like any other MUN morning, delegates walking in with their snazziest suits and clicking heels down the beautiful halls of the parliament building exchanging friendly smiles. But little did we know coming into the breakfast hall at 8:30 the tragedy that was bestowing on us, the croissants had run out!
At first, we were unaware, unknowing that croissants were even presented as a breakfast option. By the time the rest of us arrived, we were left with a bread bun, and some tea along with some croissant that the kind staff informed us was gone. I truly felt like I was a child from the Victorian era while I saw delegates in the dining room enjoying a classic buttery croissant. Furthermore, Egan’s precious bread bowl was taken one by one until none remained for poor Egan.
As I sipped my tea, I overhead whispers of certain people taking both a croissant and bread bun. The audacity! At least leave the bread bun out of this.
Moral of the story? Arrive early to breakfast! Or risk watching others enjoy croissants.
Disclaimer: This article does wish to upset the SGMUN organizers, because they are doing a good job, I am not a morning person.