Santa Claus Attempting to Bribe the EBU - Tatjana Rössle

The EBU General Assembly received a special visitor this afternoon. Santa Clause entered the committee accompanied by two reindeer. Santa attempted to bribe the EBU delegates with chocolate in an attempt to enter his own working paper. The aforementioned working paper calls for a partnership between the EBU and Santa Claus. This partnership would have member countries broadcast “festive tunes and holiday messages.” This suggestion seems to infringe upon the independence of the individual EBU members in presiding over their own broadcasts. While in the EBU committee room Santa also mentioned that his elves were severely underpaid, but that he wished not to elaborate further on this matter. This leaves to question whether his reindeer companions were there of their own free will or also subject to Santa’s abuse. The EBU must remain wary of this cooperation with Santa as it remains unclear what messages and propaganda he may be attempting to spread.

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