Press Conference in the Security Council

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ST.GALLEN (Reuters) - Reuters International has got the chance to be part of today’s press conference in the Security Council along with its colleagues of the International Press Corps (IPC). As Reuters has observed mainly two blocks working on different working papers with different approaches. As we have observed several tensions between the blocks, we asked the delegate of the United States why the delegation opposes putting the P5 seats up for a vote as what the delegate of China has proposed.

As the US delegation has emphasized, they believe that the proposal put by China is “borderline reckless”. “We have a huge, bizarre favors-trading going on, where pressure is being put on smaller member states.” To put the permanent 5 under pressure would inhibit a poisonous environment for the Security Council and consequently for the United Nations for the future. Therefore, the delegate of the United States pledges for a more concrete and effective proposal. “We need to focus on concrete solutions that can actually be implemented”.

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