Op-ed: NATO Must Show Strength

The ever-increasing violence and destabilisation in Czechoslovakia is without doubt a humanitarian catastrophe — nevertheless, it could be a great opportunity for NATO to finally show the world the superiority of democracy and capitalism. The East is weakening. More and more Soviet puppet states start to doubt Moscow's power and aim for more independence. At the same time, NATO is not only strengthening its economic and military power but also unifying against its common enemy. NATO is at a unique point in history at which its dominance over the communists is greater than ever before. The alliance must ensure that it uses this dominance for the greater good of the world. It cannot let this opportunity slip through its fingers. If there ever was a time for aggression, it is now. NATO should not just stand by and watch but actively engage in Czechoslovakia, not just out of self-interest, but in the interest of everyone.

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