USA’s actions deemed as hypocritic and ironic
SECURITY COUNCIL, Nov 14th – As the Security Council’s 3rd session of the day has begun, draft resolutions are coming together.
Germany and China have agreed to a consensus that calls for a restructuring of the Security council, and a wider representation of countries around the world.
The delegation of China has stated that a balance of developing and develop countries is crucial for a better world multiple times during the previous SGMUN SC sessions.
Germany, supported by China, has emphasized that support from every party is necessary for an efficient result in the UNSC and therefore, each country from the opposing bloc should be a signatory for the other bloc’s resolution.
China and Germany’s resolution is according to India, the most progressive and innovative resolution with “remarkable concessions”.
India’s statement has been supported by other countries too, claiming that it has a very broad range of ideas and that it has great potential.
To that, the delegate of the United States responded, accusing China and Germany of manipulating the rules of procedure of MUN, as there is no rule that all countries from opposing blocs should be signatories for each other.
Germany and China had then expressed that their idea had been out of curtesy and respect for each other.
Moreover, USA had then continued to pick a bone with Germany and China and kept providing reasons why its own resolution should be considered first.
Afterwards, the delegate of the USA had undiplomatically started pointing out issues with the opposite bloc’s resolution which put an emphasis on a new start and equality for all.
China responded with the questioning of the USA’s values of democracy, as the country was doing the opposite by countering Germany’s and China’s resolution.
Egypt had then expressed desire for wishing China’s and Germany’s resolution to be considered as it stands for equality and better opportunities for all countries.
In a later speech, the USA declared that it will under no circumstances support Germany’s and China’s resolution, without even reading it, stressing the hypocrisy and irony of the country the delegate represents.