Gossip box anonymity compromised

(Katarina Agius Jager), 17:00, November 13th 

WHO, November 13th – The delegation of the People’s Republic of China has raised the question of the Gossip Box highly advertised by the Chairs in the committee. 

Since the welcoming session the Gossip Box has been presented as a medium for personal comments and communication to all of the delegates present at SGMUN 2020

 The Gossip Box is comprised of two words: gossip and box. 

The word gossip implies anonymity, but in the actual submission of gossip in the Gossip Box, a note is made suggesting that the Google account is recorded along with the submission of the gossip. 

The submitters are compromised” is what the delegates have stated, but the Chair of the WHO responded stating that this function is necessary in the case of “malicious comments” which is a very respectful aspect.

To that end, China congratulates the creator of the Gossip Box and appreciates their efforts to suspend any neglections to the amusement medium of SGMUN 2020.