BuzzFeed - MUN-Themed Horoscope for Sunday 21st
Aries: Other delegates' unwillingness to cooperate may be putting your patience to the test. Don’t bother trying to convince them and instead take matters into your own hands.
Taurus: Your actions will be noted and appreciated. People will remember the favors you did for them with gratitude. Be generous as your actions have weight.
Gemini: It might make you frustrated that other delegates are not following your lead. Remember that you can not force anyone into believing what you believe.
Cancer: Your chairs will come to appreciate all your hard work. When others turn to you for answers, you have them. Keep on doing what you're doing.
Leo: It may seem as if there is a trick that will make all your work easier but the truth is there is no easy way out. Hard work is the only answer. When writing resolution, remember that quality is valued over quantity.
Virgo: You might reach an uncomfortable point in the debate. Your urge may be to run from this but that is no solution. Face your problems head-on.
Libra: Your routine might start to feel a bit mundane and boring. However, you must embrace this as it could lead to some major breakthroughs.
Scorpio: Today is a day when your personal ideals might begin to trump that of the country that you are representing. Try to think about what is most important? Are you doing work you can be proud of?
Sagittarius: Don’t try to do everything at once. Try instead to settle into a routine in order to get more done. Speak regularly in committee in order to stand your ground.
Capricorn: Take a break from the chaos of the debate and listen to your own thoughts. Peace and quiet are the keys to your success.
Aquarius: Make sure you know your facts before you head into the debate. A fellow delegate or chair may come after you, so be prepared. If you come armed with the truth, you will emerge victoriously.
Pisces: Don’t try to do everything yourself. Remember to ask for help from your bloc members. You have a good perspective of things around you so you are the ideal person to delegate out responsibilities.