Opinion: ''Green planet not greenbacks''. Where shall the comma be put, Germany?
St. Gallen, Sputnik News. - During today's morning session of the last SGMUN Conference day, Germany delivered an emotional speech, explaining its clauses on the draft resolution. Thereby, the delegate stressed the dishonesty and illegalness of corruption and had therefore included the establishment of fund agencies and spend-control centers in her written proposal. While Ethiopia and Japan supported the aggressive statement to ''offer resistance, in case any resistance to their resolution will occur'', Iceland reminded the UNEA committee attendants of the resolutions' purpose: To discuss the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the climate and responsibilities, that have to be taken.
The first draft resolution, written among others by the USA and Russia, got the recognition of Iceland and Denmark, both fighting for the ''green recovery'' after the health crisis. Furthermore, Denmark underlined the cruciality of an active participation in the impending agreement. From the other block, led by Germany, Japan and Ethiopia, the delegate of Japan supported Denmark stating that, after all, ''our planet is more important than corruption issues'' and ''no one shall be left behind''.
Indeed, wasn't the goal for the attending countries to get back the pre-pandemic levels of production? Weren't the main interests routed in stopping the pandemic from harming the environment? Of course, aspects such as deforestation due to the lack of presence and oversight agencies must not be neglected, but the dirty recovery as a whole is the route of concerns. Therefore a call to action: Environmental protection, not bureaucracy. First of all, we need to establish a circular economy, then focus on the fairness of a monetary one.