The Loose Promises to Uphold Children in Conflict Zones
UNICEF has started its first session focusing on introducing the delegates’ opinions through the General Speakers List to find and befriend delegates that align their opinions. However, the UNICEF session revealed as a disappointment to protect children in conflict zones.
The delegate of Somalia recognized that it would continue its partnership with organizations to tackle their issues with child soldiers with the mention of UNICEF. The delegate acknowledges the challenges that come with having a weak authority of the government as a reason for lack of urgency in resolving the crisis. Therefore, the children of Somalia will continue to remain at risk with lack of evidence of any intervention from the Somalian government.
The United States delegate’s commented on Biden administration initiatives, which have been disturbed due to “religious influences” as a 2/3 majority is required to make any fast actions. Further emphasizing how this political divide can disrupt a fundamental right of protecting children. Iraq adopted the same stance as the United States of using religious as a justification in reducing the age of consent from 15- to 9-year-old furthermore making a controversial comment on “love knows no age of consent”. Iraq also perceived a superiority of oneself over other Muslim countries. This claim was completely harmful to uphold the protection of children.
The delegates of both Russia and Ukraine aligned on the use of children as pawns in their war. Russia previously claimed Ukraine using children as a human shield, the delegate od Ukraine rejected this claim. It seems both delegates wish to discredit the credibility of one other than to actual address the children’s crisis on hand.
Overall, the countries neglect and deprioritize the wellbeing and protection of children. Unless a solution is found millions of children will experience violence and exploitation. Therefore, the countries are not saving children!