The United States has always been a helping hand at the international level and has always committed to participate in all the committees of the United Nations. This is why the US-delegation is also present at the fifth UNEA committee sessions. The US delegation not only consists of diplomats but also incorporated officials of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in order to deal with the topic at hand in the best way possible. This topic at hand was the impact of Covid-19 on the environment and as always, the United States has tried to bring its innovation and leadership to the debate.
The United States has, throughout the decades, been a strong believer in moving towards a safer tomorrow. The resolution that the United States was a partner and author of, brought clear, equal solutions that deal with the problems that the COVID-19 virus posed on the environment. Together with Germany, Denmark and Canada, the USA asks for the establishment of a Technology and Innovation Programme. Furthermore, these states encourage to other countries a UNEA orchestrated approach which includes a variety of proposals.
However, the delegation of the United States had several reservations regarding the delegation of funds, seeing that any resolution that does not provide a clear and holistic allocation of these funds may result in Cherry-picking by other nations. This fear is logical, seeing as the USA is one of the biggest investors in the United Nations. The United States of America thus proposed a friendly amendment to the Draft resolution, order to avoid cherry-picking when it comes to funds and to keep in mind the greater good. Countries such as Ethiopia stated that they believed the Amendment was too broad, however, the authors of the draft resolution did not share that opinion.
The resolution as a whole passed with a majority of 10 against 6 and is the single clearest solution to the problems at hand.