The USA has always been a stronghold in the UN. Since the beginning of the United Nations in 1946, the United States has been a strong voice and devoted partner in the international community. Nowhere was this voice more clear than in the Security Council. America has been a permanent member with the power to veto any resolution from the start, due to its military and economic aid in the second World War. America has used this veto with great deliberation, to uphold the values written in our constitution, as well as to protect our allies. In total the USA has vetoed over America contributions make up for over 20 per cent of the UN funds. Our permanent place in the Security Council seems indeed justified. However, other big spenders, such as Japan and Germany, have no permanent representation. Other regional groups are also excluded, such as African and South-American States.
This is why the current topic in the Security Council is very important to the US.
There are multiple ideas on the floor that are currently being discussed. Fox News wants to focus on America’s stance in this debate, and the way our beautiful country will move forward.
Seeing America’s commitment to the UN over the past years, even when our investment hasn’t always been profitable like President Trump pointed out.
The current developments in the debate are going favourably for the USA. A draft resolution is soon to be submitted in cooperation with Mexico, France and Italy. The US delegation had the following notes: We have a paper at hand which has a high chance of finding a majority. And we want to focus on seeing what we need to do to make it pass in a way that all countries’ needs are satisfied.
The United States understands that in order to move the Security Council forward, concessions needed to be made. It is established in the draft resolution that the Security Council should consist of 22 states. This is beneficial to states such as Japan and Germany and it increases African representation. The USA will still hold on to its veto. This veto will be restricted to secondary issues, in order to make the UN a more democratic organisation, which corresponds with the American Values.
The delegation of the USA also had the following to say about the proposition of the delegation of China: On China, we do not believe that their proposal for the re-election of P5 is productive.
The draft resolution that is now on the floor of the UNSC is the way forward. It safeguards national interests and American sovereignty, helps promote the values that Americans hold dear while creating a better tomorrow for the entire international community.
God bless all countries of the UN, and God bless the United States of America.