G20 refuses to address censorships on social media platforms!!!
At its press conference, the G20 and the mainstream media refused to address censorship on social media platforms and preferred to silently ignore the question. Fox News explores why that is and what can be done to correct it.
At a time where wokeness has become the new religion in Hollywood and cancel culture suppresses beloved American icons such as Johnny Depp and Matt Damon for no reason, when Big Bird becomes the Pravda of the pro-vaxx community and radical youth groups turn everything into a safe space, it takes brave journalists to stand up and defend the American way of life. This is what motivates every Fox News collaborator every morning. The internet was supposed to democratize free expression for all, with spaces of alternative viewpoints, like our new streaming platform FOX NATION, now available in the US at only 5.99$ a month, with original programmes from the likes of Tomi Lahren or Candace Owens. You can use the code “PATRIOT” to get a 20% discount on the three first months. However, these past years the social media platforms supposed to ensure free speech have become more and more censored by leftist morale crippling any debates.
When private corporations attempt to censor Americans’ first amendment, regulators are up to correct that right, but that problem is not only American. Other countries are also affected by such problems. Therefore, it makes sense that a venue like the G20 would tackle it. At its Saturday conference Fox News therefore questioned world leaders on the matter. The response was a shameful moment of silence, world leaders washing their hands from one of the biggest issues of our time, like Pontius Pilate washing his hands from the crucifixion of Christ. World leaders considered the issue to be of no relevance to this meeting, saying in essence that is does not matter. Also conspicuous was the fact that none of the mainstream media outlets present at that press conference pressed the issue further.
It could therefore appear that they are all incompetent, but this is not true. The truth is that they all profit from this reality; the mainstream media makes a huge amount of money from its constant 24h news coverage of random events. At the same time, the politicians profit from people not asking the really disturbing questions that concern our society. And no one profit more from this reality than the Biden-Harris administration, as leaders of the free world, the US could easily have put the issue on the agenda, but they chose not to. If you were not already convinced, this fact undoubtedly prove this fact. If the government fails to protect to the constitution, it will be up to us, we the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, to take matters into our own hands to defend ourselves from tyranny.
At its press conference, the G20 and the mainstream media refused to address censorship on social media platforms and preferred to silently ignore the question, Fox News explores why that is and what can be done to correct it.
image found on the internet, probably made by a young patriot, like the ones honoured at the FOX NATION Patriot Awards, accessible to subscribers of our new streaming platform FOX NATION, now available in the US for only 5.99$ a month. **spelling mistake acknowledged.
Reported by Matthieu Dupraz