Resolution Passed: The EBU committed to Reforms
The EBU voted on a resolution during today’s session and passed with a large majority. Throughout the sessions there had been many differing opinions and points of divide. However the committee ultimately submitted one draft resolution that was sponsored by Armenia, Italy, Israel, and Ukraine. The sponsors of this resolution have all previously found themselves on opposing sides of the debate, but were able to find compromise on certain points.
The resolution includes changes such as the general assembly being allowed to decide on suspension rights, and advising on new criteria for suspension. Importantly the resolution also includes a reform of the executive board to make it more diverse. This point proved to be a controversial addition as it was introduced through an unfriendly amendment and was ultimately the reason Israel, a sponsor of the resolution, voted against passing the resolution.
Recommendations were also made for the executive board to publish their decisions and for the code of conduct to be officially published. Additional points also deal with ensuring artist safety at the ESC and having sponsors of the contest be approved by an ethical committee.
In their last speech of the day the Netherlands stated that though there was more need for change they were very proud of the progress that had been made in the committee. It remains to be seen whether these reforms will truly manage to improve the contest and the EBU, but they are definitely a first step. AVROTROS looks forward to sending a delegation to the 2025 ESC in Switzerland and hopes to witness the successful implementation of the reforms first hand.