Security Council Chairs
Aral Berke Arbatlı
Salvé delegates, friends, and Romans!
I am Aral Berke Arbatlı, a Life Sciences Engineering student from EPFL / the Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne. Even before MUN I have been involved in debating societies and (geo)political roleplaying circles. My humble MUN career first started as a judge in the ICC committee of a francophone high school level conference in Istanbul. During the five years that followed, I have served in the board of MUN EPFL, whose presidency I am currently holding, and as the Secretary General of the EPFLMUN 2022 conference. I am also serving in the board of UNYA Switzerland. My most enjoyable moment so far was running between the committee rooms and the backroom during an experimental hybrid mini conference we have organised in Fribourg this year. On a personal level, I am an avid enjoyer and reader of history, politics, alternate worlds, science, and cartography. One does not wage war nor peace without maps!
Funnily enough, even though I have chaired in individual committees before, this will be the first-time chairing in a full-fledged conference! I will be chairing the UNSC, and it has a special place for me as it requires more cunning and foresight than your average MUN committee while still having the same constraints, and never fails to disappoint in memes.
So, dear delegates, friends, and Romans; Carthago del-
I mean, let us all enjoy and learn together!